Originally published March 1, 2017 @ 1:12 am
This is a follow-up to my previous wget
notes (1, 2, 3, 4). From time to time I find myself googling wget
syntax even though I think I’ve used every option of this excellent utility over the years. Perhaps my memory is not what it used to be, but I’m probably the most frequent visitor to my own Web site… Anyway, here’s the grand list of the more useful wget
Download tar.gz and uncompress with a single command:
wget -q ${url}/archive.tar.gz -O - | tar xz
Download tar.bz2 and uncompress with a single command:
wget -q ${url}/archive.tar.bz2 -O - | tar xj
Download in background, limit bandwidth to 200KBps, do not ascend to parent URL, download only newer files, do not create new directories, download only htm*,php and, pdf, set 5-second timeout per link:
wget -b --limit-rate=200k -np -N -m -nd --accept=htm,html,php,pdf --wait=5 "${url}"
Download recursively, span multiple hosts, convert links to local, limit recursion level to 4, fake “mozilla” user agent, ignore “robots” directives:
wget -r -H --convert-links --level=4 --user-agent=Mozilla "${url}" -e robots=off
Generate a list of broken links:
wget --spider -o broken_links.log --wait 2 -r -p "${url}" -e robots=off
Download new PDFs from a list of URLs:
wget -r --level=1 -H --timeout=2 -nd -N -np --accept=pdf -e robots=off -i urls.txt
Save and use authentication cookie:
wget -O ~/.domain_cookie_tmp "https://domain.com/login.cgi?login=${username}&password=${password}"
grep "^cookie" ~/.domain_cookie_tmp | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' > ~/.domain_cookie wget -c --no-cookies --header="Cookie: enc=`cat ~/.domain_cookie`" -i "${url_file}" -nc
Use wget with anonymous proxy:
export http_proxy=proxy_server:port wget -Y -O /tmp/yahoo.htm "http://www.yahoo.com"
Use wget with authorized proxy:
export http_proxy=proxy_server:port wget -Y --proxy-user=${username} --proxy-passwd=${password} \ -O /tmp/yahoo.htm "http://www.yahoo.com"
Make a local mirror of a Web site, including FTP links; limit rate to 50kbps; set link timeout to 5s; ignore robots directive; randomize access rate:
wget -U Mozilla -m -k -D ${domain} --follow-ftp \ --limit-rate=50k --wait=5 --random-wait -np "${url}" -e robots=off
Download images from a Web site:
wget -r -l 0 -U Mozilla -t 1 -nd -D ${domain} \ -A jpg,jpeg,gif,png "${url}" -e robots=off
Extract a list of HTTP(S) and FTP(S) links from a single URL:
wget -qO- "${url}" | grep -oE "(https?|ftps?)://[^\<\>\"\' ]+" | sort -u
Mirror a subfolder of a site:
wget -mk -w 20 -np ${url}
Update only changed files:
wget -mk -w 20 -N "${url}"
Mirror site with random delay between requests:
wget -w 20 --random-wait -mk "${url}"
Download a list of URLs from a file:
wget -i "${url_file}"
Resume interrupted file download:
wget -c "${file_url}"
Download files in the background:
wget -c "${url}"
Download the first two levels of pages from a site:
wget -r -l2 "${url}"
Make a static copy of a dynamic Web site two levels deep:
wget -P /var/www/html/ -mpck -l2 --user-agent="Mozilla" -e robots=off -E "${url}"

Experienced Unix/Linux System Administrator with 20-year background in Systems Analysis, Problem Resolution and Engineering Application Support in a large distributed Unix and Windows server environment. Strong problem determination skills. Good knowledge of networking, remote diagnostic techniques, firewalls and network security. Extensive experience with engineering application and database servers, high-availability systems, high-performance computing clusters, and process automation.