Originally published August 9, 2017 @ 9:00 pm

While I am on the subject of selecting time ranges from logs, a practical application presented itself. A lonely server in a far-away land with a habit of running out of memory could only be monitored via stunnel and reverse SSH. The server crashed again today and, after bringing it back to life, I looked at whatever meager data the SSH monitor collected to see if there was anything useful.

The SSH monitoring script is simple: every fifteen minutes a connection is made to the server via reverse SSH tunnel and the uptime command is executed. If connection cannot be established in a couple of minutes, an alert is dispatched. So the log file looks something like this:

12:00:08 up 2 days,  3:38,  1 user,  load average: 2.81, 1.80, 2.80
12:15:09 up 2 days,  3:53,  1 user,  load average: 1.15, 2.15, 2.78
12:30:10 up 2 days,  4:08,  1 user,  load average: 6.30, 2.44, 2.42
12:45:07 up 2 days,  4:23,  1 user,  load average: 2.38, 6.80, 5.01
13:00:06 up 2 days,  4:38,  1 user,  load average: 2.57, 1.70, 2.84

I thought I saw a pattern in the system load numbers, but then it could’ve been just lack of sleep. Basically, I needed to plot the 15-minute average load and I had no fancy tools like Splunk. There are two problems: the log has no day – only hours and minutes – and the timestamp is in a timezone different from mine. So the solution was to select just those lines covering just the right number of 15-minute intervals since last midnight in the log’s local timezone.

(( d = $(date -d "1970-01-01 $(date +'%H:%MSGT')" +%s) / ( 15 * 60 ) ))
tail -${d} /var/log/ssh_monitor.log | gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb 84 28; unset key; set style data labels; set xdata time; set xlabel 'Time'; set ylabel 'Load'; set autoscale; set timefmt '%H:%M'; plot '-' using 5:12:ytic(12) with lines"

And the result:

   6.77 ++*++-++-++-++-++-+++-++-++-++-++-++-+++-++-++-++-++-+++-++-++-++-++-++-++
        + *    +       +      +      +       +      +      +      +       +      +
        | *                                                                      |
   6.09 ++ *                                                        *           ++
   5.90 ++ *                                          *             *           ++
        |  *                                          *             **           |
   5.46 ++ *                           *              *             **          ++
        |   *                          *             * *           * *           |
        |   *                          **            * *           * *           |
        |   *                         * *            * *           *  *          |
        |   *                         * *            * *           *  *          |
        |    *                        *  *          *   *          *  *          |
        |    *                        *  *          *   *          *  *          |
        |    *                       *   *          *   *         *    *         |
        |    *                       *   *          *   *         *    *         |
        |     *                      *    *         *    *        *    *         |
   3.26 ++    *                      *    *        *     * ***    *    *        ++
   3.02 ++    ***                   *     *   *    *     **   *   *     *       ++
   2.96 ++                 *****    *      *** *   *          *   *     ***     ++
   2.65 ++       ***     **     *   *      *    *  *           * *         *    ++
   2.52 ++          *  **        *  *           * *             **          *   ++
   2.20 ++           **           **             **             **           *  ++
   1.94 ++     +       +      +   ** +       +    * +      +     *+       +   * ++
   1.83 ++-++-++-++-++-++-+++-++-++*++-++-++-+++-++-++-++-++-+++-++-++-++-++-++*++

So I wasn’t imagining things: there was a pattern.

And now a bit of explanation. The following command tells you how many seconds have elapsed since midnight in the specified timezone (SGT, in this case):

date -d "1970-01-01 $(date +'%H:%MSGT')" +%s

Then it’s a simple matter of dividing it into 15-minute intervals and then grabbing that many lines from the end of the log file. And the gnuplot bit is pretty standard.