Gather MX Records for a List of Domains
This is a simple one: get a list of MX records for the given domains and output into CSV file. Really, the only interesting...
Installing Alternative Java Versions on RHEL/CentOS
Below is shorthand for installing alternative versions of Java on your RHEL/CentOS system. This may come in useful for the purposes of testing.
# Set...
Installing NetData on RHEL/CentOS
NetData is a real-time system monitor great for visualizing performance data. Instances of netdata run independently on monitored systems. The results can be accessed remotely and...
Loan Payment Calculator in Bash
Just a little bit of fun with Bash: a loan payment calculator. Nothing fancy here. Maybe I'll add the amortization schedule to it later...
BIND DNS Query Frequency Analysis
The little script (dns_qpm2) below will look through your BIND query logs and calculate average query-per-minute rate for the given clients.e Nothing fancy, but...
Using YUM to Sync Packages with Master Server
I just built a new CentOS box and needed to make sure it had all the same packages installed as one of my other...
Nohup Without Nohup.out
This is a common question: how can I run nohup without creating the annoying nohup.out ? And the common answer is: you can't. But this is...
Socket Statistics ss Command
This is a small collection of useful ss (written by Alexey Kuznetsov of the Russian Nuclear Research Institute) syntax examples that go beyond the basics covered by other...
Osync and DiffTree
Think of osync as a kind of rsync that is more suited for making backups. While rsync certainly has more options, osync takes a lot of the complexity...