Using IPTables to Allow Access to Private Networks
Below is a quick example of how to use iptables to allow port access for all types of private networks. In this case we're allowing...
Use PowerCLI to Change NIC Type
This is a quick PowerCLI script that reads from a list of VM names and for each VM with network adapter type "E1000" changes...
Get a List of all ESX Hosts in a Datacenter
Another simple one-liner to get a list of hostnames of all ESX servers in the vCenter. This can be useful for a number of...
Pushing SSH Keys
This is just a quick note for me on pushing SSH keys using sshpass and xargs. The ~/hosts.txt file contains a list of remote hosts, one per...
Configure and Run esxcli on Red Hat
The esxcli utility is used to interface with the vSphere and ESX hosts. It is a useful tool for getting to some basic VMWare...
Samba Flexible Character Mapping
This is probably old news to most of you, but I just found out: Samba v 3.5+ has a new option for flexible mapping...
Wget Examples
This is a follow-up to my previous wget notes (1, 2, 3, 4). From time to time I find myself googling wget syntax even though I...
Sun T-Series ILOM and Solaris 11 Network Configuration
Just some quick notes on setting up Oracle Sun T-series server ILOM and network aggregation with LACP. I don't get to do this very...
Managing VMs with PowerCLI
Below is a collection of useful Power-CLI one-liners (or thereabouts) that can speed up your script-writing efforts. As everything Windows, things change often and...