Using IPTables to Allow Access to Private Networks

Using IPTables to Allow Access to Private Networks

Below is a quick example of how to use iptables to allow port access for all types of private networks. In this case we're allowing...
Use PowerCLI to Change NIC Type

Use PowerCLI to Change NIC Type

This is a quick PowerCLI script that reads from a list of VM names and for each VM with network adapter type "E1000" changes...
Get a List of all ESX Hosts in a Datacenter

Get a List of all ESX Hosts in a Datacenter

Another simple one-liner to get a list of hostnames of all ESX servers in the vCenter. This can be useful for a number of...
Pushing SSH Keys

Pushing SSH Keys

This is just a quick note for me on pushing SSH keys using sshpass and xargs. The ~/hosts.txt file contains a list of remote hosts, one per...
Configure and Run esxcli on Red Hat

Configure and Run esxcli on Red Hat

The esxcli utility is used to interface with the vSphere and ESX hosts. It is a useful tool for getting to some basic VMWare...
Samba Flexible Character Mapping

Samba Flexible Character Mapping

This is probably old news to most of you, but I just found out: Samba v 3.5+ has a new option for flexible mapping...
Wget Examples

Wget Examples

This is a follow-up to my previous wget notes (1, 2, 3, 4). From time to time I find myself googling wget syntax even though I...
Sun T-Series ILOM and Solaris 11 Network Configuration

Sun T-Series ILOM and Solaris 11 Network Configuration

Just some quick notes on setting up Oracle Sun T-series server ILOM and network aggregation with LACP. I don't get to do this very...
Managing VMs with PowerCLI

Managing VMs with PowerCLI

Below is a collection of useful Power-CLI one-liners (or thereabouts) that can speed up your script-writing efforts. As everything Windows, things change often and...