Originally published January 7, 2018 @ 10:43 pm
A small collection of maybe helpful examples of how to use expect with Bash. This is a very useful tool, especially when writing a better script is just too much work, but the funky syntax gets me every time. I have various expect examples scattered throughout this site, so this is more of an attempt at organizing them.
Generate SSH keys
#!/bin/bash export b=2048 export t=rsa expect -c " set timeout 5 spawn ssh-keygen -b ${b} -t ${t} expect \"Enter file\" { send \"\r\" } expect \"Enter passphrase\" { send \"\r\" } expect \"Enter same passphrase\" { send \"\r\" } expect eof"
Push SSH public key to node001-100
#!/bin/bash export u=root export p=rootpass export h=node for i in `seq -w 001 100` do expect -c " set timeout 5 spawn ssh-copy-id -i `grep ^${u}: /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $6}'`/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${u}@${h}${i} expect \"Are you sure\" { send \"yes\r\" } expect \"ssword:\" { send \"${p}\r\" } expect eof" done
Execute an arbitrary command on remote server via passwordless SSH
In this example, the uptime command will be executed on all nodes, but the “cat /etc/issue” command will only be executed on node030. Of course, this is not the right way of doing something like that – just an example.
export h=node export u=root for i in `seq -w 001 100` do expect -c " set timeout 1 spawn ssh -qt ${u}@${h}${i} expect \"#\" { send \"uptime\r\" } expect \"node030\" { send \"cat /etc/issue\r\" } expect eof" 2>/dev/null done
Another example similar to the previous. In this case, we’re reading the list of hosts from a file and, after login, execute sudo su -
and count the number of entries in the /etc/shadow
for i in `cat ~/hostlist` do expect -c " set timeout 2 spawn ssh -qt ${i} expect \">\" { send \"sudo su -\r\" } expect \"#\" { send \"wc -l /etc/shadow\r\" } expect eof" 2>/dev/null done

Experienced Unix/Linux System Administrator with 20-year background in Systems Analysis, Problem Resolution and Engineering Application Support in a large distributed Unix and Windows server environment. Strong problem determination skills. Good knowledge of networking, remote diagnostic techniques, firewalls and network security. Extensive experience with engineering application and database servers, high-availability systems, high-performance computing clusters, and process automation.